Do Alcohol and Drug Related Offenses Stay on Your Record?

If you’ve been charged with a drug- or alcohol-related offense, you might be wondering how long the offense will stay on your record. Will a drug-related charge or alcohol-related charge stay on your criminal record forever? Or can you look forward to a time when your record will be clear?

The answer is that it depends on the state and on the specific charge. Here’s what to know about how long alcohol- and drug-related offenses stay on your record in South Carolina.

What Is a Non-Violent Drug Offense?

A non-violent drug offense is a drug offense that does not involve violence or the threat of violence. Examples of non-violent drug offenses include simple possession of a controlled substance, drug possession with intent to distribute, or drug trafficking.

Although “non-violent drug offense” sounds less serious than a “violent drug offense,” and it often is, a conviction can still carry serious penalties in South Carolina including hefty fines and prison time.

Here’s what you need to know about non-violent drug offenses in South Carolina.

How does a spinal cord injury affect the body?

The spinal cord is a bundle of nerves that runs between the brain and the lower back. A healthy spinal cord is extremely important for normal, healthy functioning, as it is the main pathway for the brain and the body to communicate with each other. Although the soft spinal cord is protected by the bones of the spinal column (aka the backbone), it can still be damaged, and that damage can lead to physical consequences including loss of function, loss of sensation, and pain.

The effects of a spinal cord injury on the body vary greatly depending on the severity and location of the injury, as well as whether it’s a complete or incomplete spinal cord injury. Read more about incomplete spinal cord injuries here on our blog.

What if my Uber gets in an accident?

If you’re a passenger of an Uber and the car gets in an accident, what happens next? Can you sue Uber, or should you file a claim against your Uber driver’s insurance? Will your own auto insurance policy cover you?

Here’s what you need to know if you were injured in an accident while riding in an Uber.

What are the signs of brain damage?

Brain injuries are extremely common in the US, accounting for millions of emergency department visits and hospitalizations every year. A further 50,000 people die each year after sustaining a brain injury. Many who survive live with permanent pain, disability, and/or dysfunction as a direct result of the brain injury sustained.

Knowing the signs and symptoms of brain injury and brain damage can help you identify brain injury in yourself and others after an accident or medical event. If you’re ever in doubt as to whether you or a loved one has sustained a brain injury, seek medical care at once.

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