Documenting Evidence in Slip and Fall Cases: What You Need to Know

In any personal injury case, documenting and collecting evidence is an important first step. Evidence of the accident is necessary to reconstruct exactly what happened and to determine who or what caused the accident. From there, liability can be determined, and, possibly, a claim for compensation can be pursued. 

But as simple as it sounds, documenting evidence in a slip and fall case is often not easy. Here’s what to know.

Rehabilitation and Recovery After a Spinal Cord Injury: Legal Support

Rehabilitation and recovery after a spinal cord injury takes a long time. Depending on the nature of the injury, rehab and medical care can continue for several months, years, or even decades after the initial injury. Individuals with a complete spinal cord injury leading to permanent loss of function typically need lifelong care of some kind. Even those with incomplete spinal cord injuries who are more likely to regain mobility and function often require extensive care.

Understandably, the cost of care is high, ranging from several thousands of dollars into the millions. This is where legal support comes in. 

Just as you need a good team of healthcare professionals helping you with recovery after your injury, you also need a legal team on your side. An experienced spinal cord injury lawyer and their team will handle the legal and financial aspects of the accident so you can focus on recovering. 

Securing effective legal representation is critical in ensuring you get the compensation you need to cover current and future expenses related to the accident. Here’s how an experienced spinal cord injury lawyer can help you after an accident. 

Navigating the Workers’ Compensation Claim Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

How do you file a workers’ compensation claim in South Carolina? If you’ve been injured on the job or have developed an occupational disease, filing a workers’ comp claim is a crucial step to getting compensation you need to cover lost wages, medical bills, and more.

But some people are hesitant to file a workers’ comp claim. They’re worried that the process will be long and difficult, with a lot of confusing paperwork and red tape. 

Fortunately, that’s not the case. That’s because in South Carolina, you are not responsible for filing a workers’ comp claim. 

That’s right – as the injured worker, it’s not up to you to fill out the paperwork and file the claim.

Determining Liability in Pedestrian vs. Vehicle Collisions

In pedestrian-vehicle accidents, it’s the driver who’s at fault, right? Not necessarily. A recently published examination of over 2,700 pedestrian crashes in Ohio found that drivers were found at fault 53.6% of the time and pedestrians at fault in 36.4% – more than 1 in 3 accidents. 

What does this mean for you? If you’re involved in a pedestrian-vehicle accident in South Carolina, a crucial step to coming to a settlement is determining liability, that is, finding out who was at fault for the accident. It may be the driver, the pedestrian, or both. 

When determining liability in a pedestrian accident in South Carolina, here are some factors to consider.

Injured on the Job: Reporting Requirements and Timelines in South Carolina

How long do you have to report a workplace injury in South Carolina if you’re injured on the job? How do you report a workplace injury and file a workers’ compensation claim?

If you’ve sustained an injury on the job in South Carolina or have developed an illness due to workplace conditions, you need to report it in a timely manner or risk losing out on benefits. 

Here’s what you need to know about how to report a workplace injury or illness in South Carolina and how long you have to do so. 

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