Have You Been in a Car Accident? It Could Be Your Tires’ Fault.
Drivers should be aware of how many faulty tires are on the road, as they result in tens of thousands of accidents each year. A persistent question remains: if your tires are recalled, would you know about it?
Columbia Homeowners taking action after Flood Damage
If your home or property was affected by the recent flooding in Columbia you might be entitled to compensation. Contact us now or call us at 864-312-4444 to schedule a free consultation.
A Long Week for South Carolina
Although many rivers and streams have crested and are now beginning to retreat, the resulting damage to roads and infrastructure could remain for some time as officials attempt to manage an effort for their repair.
Four CLG Attorneys Named Legal Elite by Greenville Business Magazine
While being selected for any elite list is an honor, being chosen by one’s peers in the legal field is a valuable way to confirm that an attorney is dedicated to quality and the pursuit of justice. Monty Desai, Mitchell Byrd, Matt Whitehead, and Nihar Patel are four such attorneys, whose work ethic and personal concern for others comes through in everything they do.
Construction Worker Falls to Death at North Main-Stone Avenue Project
Today’s news brought us information about a tragic death at the new development at Main St. and Stone Ave. in Greenville. A workers’ compensation attorney can be critical during such a sad time, as burial expenses and other bills begin to mount due to the untimely death of an employed family member. Knowing your workers’ compensation rights as the family member of a deceased relative is critical.
The Carolina Law Group Launches Accident App for iPhone & Android
Accidents happen, and even if you don’t think you’ll ever need it, the Accident Application helps you be prepared in the case of emergency. With this app, you will get a straight-forward list of “to do” items, along with fact and evidence-gathering tools to help ensure you or your loved one have the necessary information and protection after an accident.
Workers’ Compensation: Who’s In Control Here, Anyway?

If you are injured while working and your employer has denied your workers’ compensation benefits because you are considered an “independent contractor,” it is more important than ever that you speak with an experienced attorney who can determine whether you may be entitled to those benefits after all.