Brain Injuries

Brain Injuries

South Carolina Brain Injury Lawyer in Greenville, SC and Spartanburg, SC: A Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) can affect you for the rest of your life. Consequences from a TBI can include physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral symptoms that can last weeks, months, or even years beyond the initial trauma. Common causes of TBIs include motor vehicle accidents, slip and fall accidents, falling merchandise and sports injuries.

If you or a loved one has suffered a TBI as a result of an accident that was someone else’s fault, you may be able to sue the liable party and recover damages.

However, TBI cases can be challenging. Often, damage to the brain doesn’t show up on scans or in medical tests, symptoms don’t appear immediately after the initial accident, and it can be difficult to demonstrate how the injuries have negatively impacted the survivor’s life.

That’s why it’s important to work with a law firm like The Carolina Law Group, LLC with experience in handling brain injury cases. For more than a decade, we have worked to achieve successful results for injured families and their clients. If you or a loved one should suffer a brain injury, we’ll work hard to ensure you achieve maximized compensation to ease the financial burden will place upon you both now and in the future.

We will help you achieve full and fair financial compensation for your medical costs, permanent or temporary disability, lost wages, lost earning potential, pain and suffering and overall loss of enjoyment of life. Contact us today to schedule your free initial consultation.

Our Brain Injury Legal Team

Senior Litigation Paralegal
Senior Litigation Paralegal
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