What are My Rights?

Know Your Rights

Workers’ Compensation laws can be complex and difficult to understand. Before filing a claim, it’s important that you know your rights and your requirements. Here are a few things you should know before starting the claims process.

In South Carolina, you only have 90 days from the time you were injured to alert your employer and inform them of your injury. Your employer then has ten days to report it to the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission. You must make a claim for compensation within two years of the accident.

Your employer’s insurance company will typically require you to obtain treatment from an approved medical provider on its list. That is, you do not have the right to choose your own doctor for your medical care. We will ensure that you are receiving the proper medical attention you need.

Because every injury is unique, we urge you to call us at The Carolina Law Group, LLC, for a free consultation and speak to one of our Workers’ Compensation lawyers about your circumstances as soon as possible. Remember that you have a limited time to report your accident and make a claim, so don’t wait any longer to get started. Call today.

Our Workers’ Compensation Staff

Melissa James
Practice Manager & Paralegal
Office Manager/Paralegal
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