Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Greenville, SC and Spartanburg, SC: South Carolina is ranked the #3 state in the U.S. for pedestrian safety, according to the NHTSA. We see it every day: Drivers who fail to yield the right of way, drivers who carelessly run a stop sign or stoplight, drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs, improperly lit pedestrian crosswalks, and hit-and-run accidents that leave an innocent pedestrian a victim.
We Look Out For Pedestrians.
Pedestrian accidents are often life-changing because they almost always involve bodily injury. If you or a loved one suffered from severe head, neck, back, spine, and brain injuries, The Carolina Law Group, LLC can help can help. In addition to assisting individuals who have suffered major injuries, The Carolina Law Group represents the family members of wrongful death victims.
Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Greenville, SC and Spartanburg, SC: New studies are reporting an alarming trend: pedestrian deaths are increasing due to a rise in automobile accidents. This is happening because more and more accidents are happening in areas with sidewalks, such as in towns and cities. These accidents are, generally speaking, results of bad choices. However, it is important to note, that some are, in fact, unavoidable. But most are avoidable, so we should be aware of what we can do differently to prevent as many deaths as possible.
One of the major causes of wrecks in South Carolina is inattentive, distracted or drowsy driving. Although not explicitly illegal, drowsy driving is one of the most dangerous things you can do. Drowsy driving is any type of driving that occurs when the driver is not fully rested or alert. Generally, this behavior is most common early in the morning and late at night. This type of driving is a choice and is completely preventable.
Another major cause of car accidents that lead to pedestrian deaths is texting while driving and other distracted driving. Texting while driving happens often when the speed limits are not “too high,” such as going through a towns such as Greer, SC, Inman, SC, Simpsonville, SC, Mauldin, SC, Easley, SC, Clemson, SC, etc. This gives a false sense of safeness to the activity. What most do not realize is that even though your speed is reduced, texting while driving seriously diverts your attention and you can, in fact, still be in an accident. Other forms of distracted driving are just as bad. When you are operating a motor vehicle, you should always give it your full, undivided attention. It could literally save a life.
If you or a loved one has been the victim of a car accident, reach out to our office, The Carolina Law Group, today to review your legal options. Our dedicated team of kind, empathetic lawyers have years of experience dealing with car accidents in the Greenville area, as well as all around the State of South Carolina. We have seen all kinds of accident cases, ranging to the simple and mild to the severe and complex. There is nothing our team cannot handle. In addition, we strive to always have our clients up to date on their cases and fully informed about what is going on. Our reputation within the Greenville and Upstate community will speak to our commitment to our clients, who we always put first and foremost. Call our office today to schedule your first appointment! You won’t regret it. We look forward to working with you.
Whether on foot or on a bicycle, people are no match for motor vehicles. The Carolina Law Group, LLC has successfully represented injured clients throughout South Carolina who have suffered catastrophic injuries after being hit by careless and negligent drivers, achieving millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements.
Before accepting a settlement in your pedestrian accident, schedule a free consultation with The Carolina Law Group, LLC to discuss your case.