Filing a Wrongful Death Suit After a Car Accident

In car accidents that result in death, the driver at fault may or may not face criminal charges brought by the state. A wrongful death claim is different because it is a civil matter, and according to South Carolina code, must be brought by the deceased’s executor or administrator, or in their name. If your loved one has died in a car accident, you may be considering filing a wrongful death claim yourself. Here’s what you need to know.

3 Mistakes After a Car Accident That Can Cost You Money

Being involved in a motor vehicle accident is often a traumatic experience that can leave you confused and likely to make mistakes. Some mistakes can end up costing you a significant amount of money when it comes time to settle your claim and greatly limit your opportunity to obtain the medical treatment you need down the road.If you’ve been involved in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, avoid these mistakes to improve your chances of getting the settlement you deserve.

Can I Sue My Coworker for My Workplace Accident

In personal injury cases like slip and fall or motor vehicle accidents, the injured party can bring a lawsuit against the party responsible for the accident to seek compensation. But is there ever a time when you can sue your coworker over a workplace accident that was their fault?

Top 5 Mistakes in Workers’ Comp Cases

Although the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation system may appear straightforward, it can be complex and difficult to navigate if you don’t know what you’re doing. Here are some common mistakes in workers’ comp cases and how you can avoid them.

How to Get Workers Compensation for an Occupational Disease in South Carolina

The Workers’ Compensation system in South Carolina provides compensation to employees who have been injured or become ill in the course of their job. In order for a workers’ comp claim to be successful, it needs to be shown that the employee was harmed while on the job. While this may be relatively easy when it comes to an acute injury, it becomes more challenging with respect to an occupational disease…With that in mind, here’s what’s needed to get workers’ compensation for an occupational disease in South Carolina.

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