Attorneys at The Carolina Law Group Named to 2017 Legal Elite of the Upstate

The Carolina Law Group is proud to announce that Matt Whitehead, Nihar Patel, and Mitchell Byrd have been named to the 2017 Legal Elite of the Upstate list, as reported in the August 2017 issue of Greenville Business Magazine. Nihar was listed among attorneys for criminal law, Mitchell was listed for workers’ compensation, and Matt was not only listed for personal injury, but received the most votes overall in the personal injury category.

Is It Elder Abuse? Recognizing Elder Abuse

The term “elder abuse” covers any kind of abuse of an elderly person. It is a topic that has gained increasing attention in the past few years as the population ages and people live longer. The National Center on Elder Abuse reports a prevalence of approximately 10%, but warns this figure is likely far lower than reality, as many cases go unreported.

What To Do After You’re Injured In A Pedestrian Car Accident

Over 5,000 pedestrians are killed in car accidents every year across the U.S., and another 130,000 are injured, according to the CDC[1]. South Carolina was ranked #3 most dangerous state for pedestrians according to 2014 data from the NHTSA. With the number of pedestrian-car accidents so high, it is smart to know what steps you should take if you or a loved one are ever hit by a car in South Carolina.  

What to do When Your South Carolina Workers’ Comp Claim is Denied

Unfortunately, sometimes legitimate workers’ compensation claims are denied. Your claim can be rejected for a variety of reasons by your employer and their insurance company, or by the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission.

Although a denial or rejection is disheartening, it’s no reason to give up hope. It’s absolutely possible to succeed with a claim after it’s been denied initially. Here are some steps you can take.   

What Not To Do After A Car Accident

Hopefully, you know what to do if you are ever in a car accident: seek medical attention if needed; if your car is safe to drive and is causing a hazard where it is, pull it to the side of the road; call the police; and exchange insurance information with the other driver(s). It is also smart to take photos or videos of the damage and to make notes for yourself of what happened so you do not forget the details later. Now that you know what you should do after a wreck, here are some things you should not do.

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